Thursday, April 26, 2018

Me Made May '18 Pledge

This has been one crazy busy year so far! Given how little sewing time I have, it's way past time to take inventory for Me Made May this year. Each year I participate I try to push myself a little bit further for this challenge. This will be my fifth(!!!) year, so to increase the challenge is, well, a challenge. It has taken me awhile to decide, but I'm ready to officially make my pledge. Is this the first time you've heard of Me Made May? Check out the details on So, Zo...

'I, Kate of The Fairy Dust Bin blog and @thefairydustbin on Instagram, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '18. I endeavour to wear at least 2 handmade items daily, and fully handmade outfits 4 days per week (with the exception of gym clothes, undergarments, hoisery and footwear) with minimal outfit repeats throughout May 2018.' I intend to document by photographing and posting to Instagram most days, and will have a writeup on my blog at the end of the challenge.

Having gone through my current handmade wardrobe, I still have a little work to do. Specifically some quick, and a couple not so quick, alterations, and finishing some UFOs. I have plenty of skirts and a couple of pairs of leggings, but my plan to work on some things last week did not come to fruition thanks to illness.

With that said, I think I need to go sew myself some pants!

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